Monday, November 16, 2009

i'm one of THOSE guys hey, a blogger.

Meet me. I'm that guy that's a blogger. Leave now, it's up to you. I don't mind, i'm another fixture in the herd, another wannabe reeled into the system. For so long i steered clear of homogenous forms of communication like blogs and social networking. But the forces that surround us are too strong man. Ha, a vagabond one day - a slave to the man the next. Fuck me, stop listening - but if you do stay, i guess i should state my intentions now: As this blog will focus on all things unholy, ceremonious, hedonistic and fun that comes into my life. The things i say, things i do, things i've done -they'll all be here.
Again, leave now...

Wait, maybe this post should be a little longer. Maybe i should introduce myself. Maybe i should try and learn the art and politics that go into making a blog PHAT. Or just tie myself to my seat and write write write and share all my musings with all you lovely, faceless people. You are not invisible my dear friends, it's just that fortunately for you, you can't see me. But i hope you will virtually fall in love with my innanities. My bone dry humour. My arrogance. Humour. Silence.

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