Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned" Albert Einstein

A wooden cane splinters the young boy's fingers. An ember, fine, coarse is implanted deep between the boy's index and middle finger. His crime: The blueprint of a paper aeroplane. His mission: To send a note to his crush.

Will he learn that love hurts, no. Will he learn to not disrupt class again, no. Will he want to escape and flee, yes.

Class becomes hell, signpost after signpost written on the blackboard mingle in his mind in a dull fog. He no longer bothers to even squint - Only think of panty hose and the sweet delicate sensations of wet lips.

His lunch rots, his marks freefall. His father beats him, his mother sobs, his girlfriend eludes him.
What's left for him. An education? Only a lesson in breeding contempt, absence and a long set of illusions.

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