Friday, January 15, 2010

Farewell to a friend

Goodbye's are never easy, not for you, not for your eyes not for even that faitful little beat machine, your heart...

But when a good friend of yours that is as inspiring as he is rad departs yet again after only a fortnight, it makes it that little bit more depressing...Starting a new life overseas he's going places he probably wouldn't have been able to make within our fine but far-flung shores of Australia. In another country, you can transform yourself into who you want to be. Nevermind the old bullshit concerns and reputations you held in your country of birth. No naysayers to hold you back, no lethargy or inability to move forward. In another country, another city you can become that person you've always strived to be. And he is taking steps in getting there, so i have to arch my back and tip my hat off to him... He'll be something and it's always nice to know someone right at the start...

I didn't get to spend as much time as i would have liked with said individual but oh well that said he is a man in demand. But the time when we were around each other and our group of friends were nice and it felt like it was another piece of the puzzle had nestled its way right back to where it should be. He is the kind of guy that can fit in anywhere and still be himself, no sacrifical bullshit to impress nobody, no change in demenour to stand out - just standing alone and being himself. For this he has always had my utmost respect. Too many peopple these days chop and change their personalities to suit their needs and desires and to coax the impressions of others. I sometimes fall into that trap but if there's anything i can learn from this guy is that you should fuck that off and just be who you are and wanna be and not let your own sensitivities or those of others hold you back...

see you soon...

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